Smith Optimal Solutions LLC

Software Development

Architecture, Design, and Develop

Full life-cycle software development that focuses on requirements, usage scenarios, and quality.

Mobile Apps

See the Mobile App Development page for information.

Front End

Specialize in front-end GUI development using Java Swing and Java FX frameworks.

Web Applications

Interactive Web application development using Spring MVC, Java Server Pages, and Javascript.

Back End

Backend server development with RESTful Web Service technologies. JAX-RS, XML and XSD schema, Json, Jersey framework.


Database servers include MySQL, MS SQLServer, and Oracle. SQL, PL/SQL, stored procedures. Using Java technologies that include JPA (Java Persistence API) with Hibernate, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), and use of the DAO (Data Access Object) pattern.

Unit Testing

The goal is always to achieve near 100% code coverage using JUnit and mocking frameworks such as JMockit and Mockito.