Smith Optimal Solutions LLC

Certifications & Patents

The computer programming world is always changing.

We strive to keep up with the latest technologies and methodologies by attending training classes, either in person or online, and attain the certifications whenever possible.

SAFe Certifications


Certified SAFe 5 Architect


Certified SAFe 4 Practitioner


Certified SAFe 4 Product Owner/Product Manager


Certified SAFe 4 Devops Practitioner

Java Certifications


Sun Certified Java Developer

Sun Certified Java Programmer

Sun Certified Java Architect

Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE

Sun Certified Java J2EE Enterprise Architect

Software Quality Certifications


Certified Software Quality Engineer

Brainbench Certifications


Brainbench Certified Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE)

Brainbench Certified Java EJB 2.0

Brainbench Certified Master Java Server Pages (JSP 2.0)

Brainbench Certified Master Java 2 GUI

Brainbench Certified C

Brainbench Certified JavaScript 1.5


US Patent 5,835,724

"System and method for communication information using the internet that receives and maintains information concerning the client and generates and conveys the session data to the client"

A.K.A.: "Internet Session Server"

See Google Patents for more information.